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  • Thank you to Jonathan Tasler for the use of his Parkville pictures on our website.  Check out his website.


  • Welcome to the Parkville Area Chamber & EDC!

    The Parkville Area Chamber & EDC advocates, promotes, and protects business interests and the relationships of our members.  Our members are community promoters, fully engaged and actively involved in the Parkville area.  We serve our members by building business and community relationships through social events, networking opportunities, and community service.

  • Parkville Community Parkville Community

    The beauty of limestone carved bluffs, wooded vistas, and the Missouri River provide an enchanting backdrop for Parkville. The shopping and dining district is a delightful jumble of mid 1800's through 1900's architecture, traditional modest American construction, and new trendy venues. Fanciful buildings touting fresh, colorful facades compliment warm, cobblestone walkways. The old, tired structures from a by-gone era have evolved into a delightful downtown that flirts with the past. New development at Parkville Commons is bringing an exciting synergy with additional shopping, dining, and work spaces touting a small town feel artfully designed to unite old and new.

    Landing, village, town, city--Parkville has been all of these. English Landing Center and the picturesque English Landing Park (named after David English) with riverfront trails were once just low water areas of the Missouri River.  At one time, the River was an active route for riverboats bringing supplies to town folk and taking products to market. Parkville was even promoted as the ideal gateway to the west.

    Colonel George S. Park acquired English's claim on Parkville through a 99-year lease for which he paid in 1840. The City has a colorful past, and there are numerous historical accounts of conflicts over the evils of slavery, and the free use of whiskey. By the 1850s Park had built a hotel which for a while was used as Park College. By 1877 there were general stores, a shoe store, grocery, hardware, blacksmith shop and two hotels. Many of those little shops and stores are home to today's shops and restaurants. In 1880, Parkville's population stood at 482, compared to today's 6,514. Our town has survived floods, train derailments, and controversial issues. Parkville is now known regionally for the exceptional quality of life the community has to offer.

    Park's dream for a college was realized in 1875. The college was first housed in Park's hotel known as "Old Number One." Students helped build many of the structures on campus including the magnificent, stone McKay Hall with its steeples and clock tower. The college is now Park University. Sports teams, theatrical performances, Art in the Park, and a diverse student population continue a wonderful partnership with the community.

    Come to Parkville: it's a wonderful place to live, work and play. This historic riverfront community has a unique welcoming feel all its own. Stroll along the streets where settlers traded in years gone by. Relax by the river where steamboats cruised to destinations unknown. Experience the new Parkville with beautiful neighborhoods, vibrant shops and incredible restaurants that offer traditional to trendy...and everything in between!


  • About Us About Us

    The Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce evolved from The Downtown Merchants Association which in the 1980’s and early 90’s, was the primary organization in the community responsible for promotions, festivals, and public relations. Membership consisted of businesses and local residents.

    In 1993 more than two-thirds of the downtown became victim of a 100-year flood. The area was hit hard when a predicted 12 inches of water rose to eight feet. A new non-profit organization (Main Street Parkville Association) was formed to focus on flood recovery and historic preservation for the downtown. The Chamber joined with others to rebuild the heart of the city and support the downtown focus. A limited Chamber board continued to promote tourism, enhance public relations, and complete one major community project each year. This small, but dedicated, group of volunteers worked to keep the Chamber active until the community was ready for a city-wide focus.

    During 2002 this group of volunteers realized the time was right to begin growing the Chamber again. The historic downtown was fully recovered and new businesses in Parkville and the surrounding area were eager to become part of the greater Parkville community. Business owners and local stakeholders agreed it was time for the Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce to begin conducting regularly organized events and to once again accept memberships. On May 16, 2002 an informal Business After Hours was held. Not surprisingly, over 75 people attended and expressed an interest in participating in Chamber activities. Monthly Business After Hours were scheduled for the remainder of 2002 and for $25 anyone could join the Parkville Chamber. The Chamber emailed a quarterly newsletter, interest grew, and plans were made for the future.

    In 2003, the Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce established a tiered membership structure and continued to grow. Officers were elected and committees were formed. The Chamber once again had a presence at festivals, and special events. The Chamber office was established in 2004 in the lower level of the Platte Valley Bank, and a part-time administrative assistant was hired. The Chamber web site was developed in 2004. ParkvilleChamber.com quickly became the primary source of communication with members, a tremendous resource for the community, and served as a great marketing tool for our members.

    The next few years the Chamber focused on community involvement, member education, and providing networking opportunities for the growing membership. Business After Hours, Business Over Breakfasts, Lunch and Learns, fundraisers, and legislative trips and forums, and community service projects were planned and well attended.

    In 2005 the Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Parkville formed a partnership that allowed the Chamber office to relocate to the historic train depot in the downtown area. This prominent location across from Park University, near the English Landing Park and the “Spirit” Fountain, continues to provide an ideal location for the Cathy Kline Art Gallery.  The Chamber office has recently relocated in the Parkville Commons at Hwys 9 and 45.

    The Parkville Area Chamber of Commerce was recently named one of the Top 25 Chambers in Kansas City by the Kansas City Business Journal. We look forward to making a positive difference in our community, while providing our membership with a full range of benefits and both educational and volunteer opportunities.


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